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Automatic Dispatch reconciliation for Shipment
Automatic Dispatch reconciliation for Shipment

Turn this on if you need to scan to check on your outgoing shipment - reconciliation to ensure products and quantity are accurate before dispatching

Gigi Nguyen avatar
Written by Gigi Nguyen
Updated over a month ago

To use the Dispatch feature in the EMERGE App, you'll need to turn it on under Settings first, go to Company Settings > Basic Settings > Automatic function > select the checkbox for Dispatch > Save

Once done with Dispatch settings, you can go to a shipment and Dispatch them before delivering, click on a shipment and click the Dispatch button.

A modal will pop up, click on Click here to start scanning products and take your barcode scanner, scan your products, the product number will change if the barcodes match.

Click on Dispatch to finish the dispatch process

Now you can click Deliver to deliver your products, done!ย 

Update: Partial dispatch

You now can do a standard dispatch using barcodes as well as a partial dispatch.

To partially dispatch a shipment, you need to turn on this feature in the basic setting.

After turning on 'Allow partial dispatch & exclude dispatched qty from in stock qty' and 'Dispatch reconciliation using barcode scanner', REMEMBER to save your change in the upper right corner, now you are good to go.

Step 1: Click on the dispatch button as usual in the Delivery Order.

Step 2: Start scanning and apply what you have.

Now the system changes the status of this shipment into 'Partial Dispatched.'

In the Delivery Order Listing page, this DO's status is also updated as 'Partial Dispatched'.

Step 3: Repeat this process until all items in the DO are dispatched. The undispatched quantity will automatically update after each partial dispatch.


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