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Mass Upload Photos: How to Create Folders Containing Files with the Same Names
Mass Upload Photos: How to Create Folders Containing Files with the Same Names
Gigi Nguyen avatar
Written by Gigi Nguyen
Updated over a week ago
  1. Prepare all the images with SKU name in 1 folder

2. Open Command Prompt by press WIndows button on keyboard, search for "cmd"

3. Get folder directory by click on the folder address and copy

4. In Command Prompt, type

cd folder_directory

Folder directory is the folder address from step 3, for example

cd C:\SKU images folder

Press Enter to execute the command

5. In Command Prompt, copy and paste this command to create the folder with same name and clone the file to each folder.

for %i in (*) do @(md "%~ni" 2>nul & copy "%i" "%~ni\")

Outcome upon successful execution

6. Delete the image files outside of the folder (only keep the folders with SKU name)

7. Upload the main folder that contains all the SKU folder to EMERGE by using function Mass Upload Photos

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