How does it work?
In the Product Report section, open Expiry Batch Reminder.
In this report, you have filters include:
Batch Expiry Date Range: Filter all DELIVERED batches that have expiry date in this date range
Customer: Only select 1 customer per time (remind 1 customer per time)
Product: Default = All products that have been sold to this customer
Email sent status: Sent and Unsent (default) → When you VIEW the report, you will always see unsent lines as default). Then you can filter Sent to remind your customer again.
By using the customer’s default contact email, you can easily Send Email Remind to the customer.
Also, attach the expiry batch reminder Excel file to the customer, including information such as:
Delivered Batch name
Product name
Expiry date
DO number
Related customer PO number
Last customer's PO number