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Stock Movements
Gigi Nguyen avatar
Written by Gigi Nguyen
Updated over a week ago

There are several ways in which your stock quantity will be affected:

  • Stock Quantity Overview

  • Purchase Order & Stock Receive

  • Sales Order & Delivery Order

  • Stock Adjustment

  • Stock Transfer

  • Stock Take

Stock Quantity Overview

There are 3 different outlooks of the inventory stock count which aids you to make various decisions such as sales forecast; if there will be sufficient stocks to fulfill your upcoming sales and appropriate timings for stock re-order.

It is also imperative to grasp how the 3 different types of quantity are derived in order to understand the changes in your stock figure caused by the various stock movements.

In stock – This is the quantity you have in your stock location, in which a portion of it may have been committed for your sales order hence the In Stock is usually not a definite indication of how many upcoming sales you can fulfill.

Available Qty(Exc PO) – The available quantity(Exc PO) excludes the existing sales order(s) that have not been delivered, allowing you to know the leftover figure available for your upcoming sales.

Available Qty(Inc PO) – The available quantity(Inc PO) excludes the existing sales order(s) that have not been delivered and includes the purchase order(s) that have not been received, providing you with another level of projection on how many incoming stocks are expected from your purchase order(s).
 This quantity comes in handy for situations where you have upcoming sales to fulfill but do not have a definite date for delivery; allowing you to decide if new orders can be committed by determining if there will be sufficient stocks eventually to fulfill these orders when the purchased stocks arrive.

Purchase Order & Stock Receive

When a new purchase order is being created, only the Available Qty (Inc PO) will be increased.

All 3 quantity types will be updated after the stocks have been received from your Purchase Order.



Product A current In Stock: 100

Purchase Order created for Product A: 50

Stock Count:

Available Qty(Inc PO): 100 (In Stock) + 50 (Purchase Order) = 150

Available Qty(Exc PO) : remains at 100

In Stock: remains at 100

Stock Count after Stock Receive:

Available Qty(Inc PO): 150

Available Qty(Exc PO) : 150

In Stock: 150

Sales Order & Delivery Order

When a new sales order is being created, the Available Qty (Inc PO) and the Available Qty(Exc PO) will be decreased.

All 3 quantity types will be updated after the stocks have been delivered.



Product A current In Stock: 100

Sales Order created for Product A: 20

Stock Count:

Available Qty(Inc PO): 100 (In Stock) – 20 (Sales Order) = 80

Available Qty(Exc PO): 100 (In Stock) – 20 (Sales Order) = 80

In Stock: remains at 100 since stocks are not delivered yet.

Stock Count after Delivery Order:

Available Qty(Inc PO): 100 (In Stock) – 20 (Sales Order) = 80

Available Qty(Exc PO): 100 (In Stock) – 20 (Sales Order) = 80

In Stock: 100 (In Stock) – 20 (Delivered) = 80 since stocks have departed from your stock location.

Stock Adjustment

You can manually adjust your stock quantity in situations when there an increase or decrease of stocks due to various reasons such as new stocks from production or damaged goods.

A stock adjustment will affect both physical and available quantity.

To do stock adjustment:

On navigation panel, click Inventory > Adjustments > New stock adjustment

select the location to do Stock Adjustment in Location

Select Section and Item

Fill in Qty – cost price to adjust your in stock and cost price

Click Save & Create new adjustment to complete the process

Stock Transfer

If you manage and distribute your stocks from multiple stock location, you can do a stock transfer from one location to another.

A stock transfer will affect both physical and available quantity on both source and destination stock location.

To do stock transfer

On navigation panel, click Inventory > Adjustments > Transfers > New stock transfer

On transfer detail page, you will see some important steps below:

From location & To location: select from 2 drop-down lists to determine which location to transfer your product

Item : select which item you want to transfer

From section & To section: select from 2 drop-down lists to determine which section to transfer your product

Qty: the amount of product to transfer

Stock Take 

Stock take to Stock-taking or "inventory checking" is the physical verification of the quantities and condition of items held in an inventory or warehouse. This may be done to provide an audit of existing stock. It is also the source of stock discrepancy information and change your instock number.

On navigation panel, click Inventory > Adjustments > Stock Takes > New stock take

Once the stock take is open, some transactions such as:

  • Shipment

  • Inventory Receive Note

  • Stock Adjustment

  • Stock Transfer

  • Exchange & Return

Will be temporary disabled.

Select Location to stock Take > click Create New

Enter counted quantity > Save. The app will show you the discrepancy between counted quantity and existing stock, the number you entered will be the instock quantity once saved.

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