The Product API lets users access basic product information and inventory details, enabling quick retrieval of key data
A. Endpoints
GET: {APIhost}/product
PUT: {APIhost}/product/put/priceSelling
Headers: x-emerge-api-key: [Your API Key]
C# example
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("x-emerge-api-key", "YOUR_API_KEY");
// Get or Post Request
var response = client.GetAsync("ProductInventory").Result;
Java example
import requests
headers = {
'x-emerge-api-key': 'YOUR_API_KEY'
response = requests.get('', headers=headers)
Java example
HttpRequest.Builder requestBuilder = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
HttpRequest request =;
Object data example
"id": 47021,
"parentId": null,
"name": "Product A",
"sku": "Product-A-Variant",
"purchasePrice": 19.99,
"sellingPrice": 59.99,
"defaultProductCategoryId": 2072,
"brand": {
"id": 46,
"name": "Top Fashion"
"categories": [
"id": 2072,
"name": "Shirt"
"id": 3217,
"name": "Luxury"
"isDeleted": false,
"productVariantViewModelList": [
"variantId": 47022,
"productVariantOptionAndValues": [
"productVariantOption": "Color",
"productVariantValue": "Red"
"productVariantOption": "Size",
"productVariantValue": "Big"
"variantId": 47023,
"productVariantOptionAndValues": [
"productVariantOption": "Color",
"productVariantValue": "Green"
"productVariantOption": "Size",
"productVariantValue": "Big"
B. Params
1. Limit
Data type: Int
Description: The maximum number of items returned per page, with a default value of 10. Maximum = 100
2. Page
Data type: Int
Description: The current page number to retrieve
3. from_date_created
Data type: Nullable Datetime (YYYY-MM-DD)
Description: An optional filter to return products created after this date.
4. to_date_created
Data type: Nullable Datetime (YYYY-MM-DD)
Description: An optional filter to return products created before this date.
C. Searching criterias
1. Query
Data type: String
Description: Searching product Product name and Product SKU
2. IDs
Data type: Int[]
Description: An array of integer IDs that represents a list of specific product IDs to be included in the search.
D. Standard Product Attributes
1. ID
Data type: int
Description: Unique identifier for the object. This property is always present
2. Name
Data type: string
Description: The product’s name, meant to be displayable to the customer
3. SKU
Data type: string
Description: The product's SKU
4. PurchasePrice
Data type: nullable decimal
Description: Purchase price of the product, can be null if user doesn't input purchase price into the product.
5. SellingPrice
Data type: nullable decimal
Description: Selling price of the product, can be null if user doesn't input selling price into the product.
6. Brand
Data type: nullable int
Description: Brand name. 1 product can only have 1 brand, can be null if user doesn't assign any brand to the product.
7. Categories
1 product can have multiple names. The categories
field provides a list of categories related to the entity.
Data type: int
Description: A unique identifier for the category.
Data type: string
Description: The name of the category.
8. defaultProductCategoryId
Data type: int
Description: A unique identifier for the category. This is default category of the product.
9. isDeleted
Data type: boolean
Description: If = true then the product is deleted. If = false then product is not deleted
E. Variant Product Attributes
1. parentId
Data type: int
Description: A unique identifier for parent product of a variant.
2. productVariantViewModelList:
The productVariantViewModelList
provides a list of product variants, each represented by its unique variantId
and associated option-value pairs that describe specific variant attributes (such as color or size). Each variant contains:
Data type: int
Description: A unique identifier for the product variant.
Data type: array
Description: A list of option-value pairs that define the variant's option and value
(string): The name of the product option, such as "Color" or "Size".productVariantValue
(string): The specific value of the option, such as "Red" or "Small".