Inventory list: Highlights expired items and identifies those requiring reorder
The report will identify products with expired dates or those that have reached the reorder threshold
Purchase order: Add items quickly by importing excel
Quickly populate the purchase order by downloading an Excel template to import product information, discounts, and tax details.
Propose purchase one to one: Can partially issue items
Issue a partial PO one-to-one by clicking the 'X' icon to easily deselect items you're not ready to purchase.
Operation documents listing page: Quickly locate sent email documents.
Easily identify sent (grey icon) and unsent (blue icon) emails at a glance on the document listing page, and swiftly send emails directly from this page by clicking on the email icon. Hover over the email icon to view the sender and the timestamp of the last sent email.
Purchase order: Issue sales orders
EMERGE will copy the full item list from the purchase order to the sales order